Take on private beauty classes! Eyebrow mapping as a way to mark a perfect arch for your brows

Can you handle eyebrow shaping and defining the right brow shape on your own? It appears that many women experience some problems with this. Luckily, there are a few easy tricks and a little bit of… mathematics that can help you get the dream eyebrows. Do you want eyebrow makeup to be just matter of routine?
Once you succeed in defining perfect eyebrow shape, doing eyebrow makeup will be just a piece of pie. How to get these picture-perfect eyebrows? Get yourself acquainted with this short beauty guide. Just one simple lesson on eyebrow mapping will be enough to learn all the tricks that help you redefine your eyebrows.
How to map eyebrows out the right way?
Let’s begin with some good news – once you find the most flattering shape for your eyebrows, there’s a huge chance that you won’t ever lose it, providing of course that you don’t let the brows get all bushy with time. Mapping the length and width of eyebrows is pretty simple, and probably most of you have already heard of the scheme. This procedure depends on marking out three strategic points located on the brow ridge so as to determine the start, arch and end of your new brows. Does such a simple solution pass the exam?
It appears that making use of such a pattern is surprisingly effective, yet only to mark out two points: the arch and the tail of the eyebrows. You can find the very points by putting one tip of a long stick (e.g. a pencil) on a side of the nose and let it cross the outer corner of the eye – here’s your eyebrow’s tail. To mark out the arch, change the angle of the stick by moving it towards the iris.
When it comes to marking out the start of the eyebrow, this is when you can come across a minor obstacle. Not everyone’s face is symmetrical. Since our eyes are placed closer/further from each other and our noses have different widths, it’s better not to follow the old-school rule of marking out the starting point of the eyebrows.
This thorny problem of defining where your eyebrow should start
Minding the facial proportions is important. The fact whether your nose is wide or narrow and how far your eyes are placed from each other do influence the shape of your brows, which especially applies to the fact where they should ideally start. How does it look in practice?
- WIDE NOSE – if you apply the old-school rule of defining the beginning of your eyebrow by using a side of the wide nose, then it may appear that your brows are to far from each other.
- NARROW NOSE – the beginning of the brow will be too close to the centre of your face. Actually, you may create a really grim look. Close set brows make your face look heavy.
- WIDE NOSE – instead of putting a stick on the nostril, put it on the nasal bone. This is where your eyebrow should start.
- NARROW NOSE – again, make sure that the eyebrows aren’t too close. Forget the nose completely and use the inner corner of the eye to mark out the beginning of your brows.
You shouldn’t neglect the importance of how close or far your eyes are located from each other. After all, this also affects the way you map out the brows.
Symmetry in eyebrow mapping
When you finally succeed in marking out the three crucial points, try not to interfere much with the brow shape. What does it mean? Make sure that the body of your eyebrow doesn’t change its thickness. The arch is the point from where the brow should get narrower to create a nice-looking tip at the end.
It’s also worth realizing that eyebrow mapping helps you keep both eyebrows looking alike, which means that once you mark out the three points on both brows, you will have more control over their shape, size, length and width. In other words, this will help you create symmetrical eyebrows.
Always check whether one of your eyebrows isn’t placed higher or lower than the other. The easiest way to verify this is by using a thread (cover it with a toothpaste so the thread leaves mark on your face). Now, use the thread to mark vertical and horizontal lines and check if both brows fit into the ‘grid’ you’ve just drawn on your face. This will help you correct possible disproportions. Good luck!